Eenzijdige berichtgeving in ND over Sudan: de oorzaak (islam) wordt niet benoemd.
February/March 2011
Slavery, Terrorism and Islam
Written by Dr. Peter Hammond
Reviewed by Marilyn M. Brannan, Associate Editor
“This is a fascinating, well-illustrated and thoroughly documented response to the relentless anti-Christian propaganda that has been generated by Muslim and Marxist groups and by Hollywood film makers. As Karl Marx declared, „The first battlefield is the re-writing of History!‟”—Dr. Brian M. Abshire – Highlands Reformed Church, Spokane, Washington
If you have not yet read a comprehensive history of the origin and spread of Islam and its impact on the world, Dr. Peter Hammond‘s latest book is one you will want to read and share with others.
The nature and history of Islam has not been well understood in the Western world. Following the mass murders of 9/11 and other international acts of terrorism involving fanatical Muslim extremists, the West awoke with a start and began to question what it is in Islam that creates that kind of mentality. In Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, Dr. Peter Hammond goes to the root of it all.
This impactful study includes a wealth of information about Islam and what it teaches, and explores as well one of the most neglected aspects of Islamic history—its 14 centuries of involvement in slavery. Although slavery has existed in most regions of the world and dates back to earliest recorded history, Islam‘s involvement far exceeds that of any other nation or any other people on earth—both in the depth of its cruelty and in terms of the vast numbers of its victims. In his book, Dr. Hammond points out that the goal of Islam is to overthrow all governments and establish an Islamic super-state that will control all aspects of life for every person on earth. Islam, in Arabic, means submission, surrender or subjugation. Islam reasons that world domination and the elimination of all other religions and belief systems is the pathway to peace. Never mind the fact that the establishment of such ―peace‖ will require deception, intrigue, violence, terrorism, bloody warfare and all other means necessary to achieve it.
Hammond also emphasizes that Jihad (warfare in the name of Allah) is not just the view of extremists on the fringe of Islam, but is, in fact, a central tenet of Islam. Jihad was so important to Muhammad himself that he declared it to be the second most important deed in Islam.i
The Scourge of Slavery
Much has been written about the Trans-Atlantic slave trade (which involved North America). But slavery did not begin in America, nor in Europe. It was indigenous to African and Arab countries long before it ever made its way to Europe. It was practiced by the tribes of the American Indians long before Columbus set foot on the shores of the New World.
Little attention has been given to the Islamic slave trade across the Sahara, Red Sea, and Indian Ocean—an indescribably cruel and astonishingly extensive practice that lasted fourteen centuries and continues to this day in some Islamic regions of the world.
Over the centuries, at least 28 million Africans were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East. Since 80% of those captured by Muslim slave traders are calculated to have died before reaching the slave markets, the death toll alone from
the 14 centuries of Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been over 112 million. When the death toll is added to the number of those actually sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the Trans-Sahara and East African slave trade could be as high as 140 million people.
(Note: As for the Muslim claim that ‗Islam is the Black man‘s religion,‘ Dr. Hammond writes, ―Far from Islam being the Black man‘s religion, it has been the greatest affliction the Black people have ever endured through the 14 centuries of Islamic slave trade and the oppression of Sharia law.‖)
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade is estimated at 11 million Africans, of which 95% went to South and Central America (mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French colonies); 5% ended up in the U.S.
Pagan Origins, Christian Deliverance
Dr. Hammond presents not only important information about the origins of slavery, but informs the reader as to how slavery was finally abolished from most parts of the world. The pre-Christian world accepted slavery as normal and desirable. The great civilizations of Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and all the civilizations in Central America and Africa were built on slave labor. Many early Christians were slaves in the Roman Empire.
One aspect of slavery that has been consistently misrepresented is the idea that European slave raiders entered the interior of Africa and by brute force, dragged off thousands of black Africans. In view of the fierce resistance they would have encountered from African natives, such an idea is preposterous. The truth is, captive black Africans were forcibly brought by other black Africans to coastal outposts where they were traded for goods.
Before the coming of Christ, heathen nations despised manual labor and relegated it to slaves. At the time of Christ‘s birth, half the population of the Roman Empire were slaves. Three-quarters of the population of Athens were slaves. But Jesus, working as a carpenter, gave labor a new dignity; and by His atoning death, he introduced a powerful new force: the Sword of the Spirit—which is the Word of God. And thus Christianity began to challenge the Sword of Islam and the vast slave trade that it had forced upon the world—from what became Afghanistan and Turkmenistan on the East, across the Middle East and Northern Africa westward to Portugal and Spain.
From the beginning of the Christian Church, Christians freed slaves because of the commands in
Scripture to love your neighbor and to do for others what you would have them do for you. During the 2nd and 3rd centuries, tens of thousands of slaves were freed by people who converted to Christ. Later, during the Middle Ages, bishops and church councils recommended the redemption of captive slaves, and for five centuries, Trinitarian monks redeemed Christian slaves from Muslim servitude. In 1102 AD, the London Church Council outlawed slavery and the slave trade. By the 12th century, slavery in Europe was rare; and by the 14th century slavery was almost unknown on the continent of Europe.
Unfortunately, the spread of Islam in the 7th century had brought a rebirth of the slave trade, especially in Africa. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Christians such as William Wilberforce, John Newton, William Carey, David Livingstone and General Charles Gordon worked tirelessly to end the slave trade. There was no comparable opposition to slavery in the Muslim world, and the nations where slavery exists yet today are, for the most part, Islamic.
Four Centuries of Jihad . . .then, the Christian Crusades
Dr. Hammond‘s book will help the reader understand what launched the Crusades of the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. From its founding in the 7th century, Islam has been the most potent and most vicious opponent of Christianity in the world. In just the three centuries following its founding in 622 AD by Muhammad, Islam annihilated 50% of all the Christians in the world of that time. In just the first century of Islam, 3,200 churches were destroyed or converted to Islamic mosques. In the nine-year period from 634 to 643 AD (two decades after its founding), Islam slaughtered and enslaved thousands of Christians in Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Cyprus, and North Africa.
Less than a century later (AD 712), the Muslims invaded India, smashed statues, demolished temples, plundered palaces, and slaughtered vast numbers of Indian men and enslaved the women and children. Will Durant, in The Story of Civilization, describes the Muslim invasion of India as ―probably the bloodiest story in history.‖ This horrific campaign of bloodshed occurred several centuries before Christian nations finally rose up and sent their knights into battle against the Islamic hordes. On 27 November 1095, the Pope called upon the knights of Europe to go forth and rescue the Holy Sepulcher and retake the Holy Land.
Many who excuse the atrocities of Islamic Jihad do so by applying a completely disingenuous double standard by condemning the Christian Crusades for their violence. But the Crusades were, after all, a long-delayed reaction to four centuries of relentless Islamic Jihad, which had wiped out over 50% of all the Christians in the world and conquered over 60% of all the Christian lands on earth. Included in this book are accounts of many of the horrific battles of the Crusades. Other parts of his book include the tragic plight of women in Islam; a comparison of the Bible and the Koran; little-known information about Sharia Law; and encouragement for those who have a heart for challenging and evangelizing Muslims.
The Challenge for the West
One out of every six people in the world today is a Muslim. There are 1.2 billion people from the Philippines to the Atlantic coast of the Sahara Desert who live under the control of Islam. Even as Islam is being propagated in Europe and America, the heads of 37 Muslim countries have resolved to expel all Christian missionaries from their lands. Today, Muslims demand the right to build mosques in the United
States, but Christians are never permitted to build churches in any countries that are predominantly Muslim. This absorbing book by Dr. Hammond was born out of the difficult experience of missionaries on the front lines of the battle for the soul of Africa—and indeed, for the world. Slavery, Terrorism and Islam is designed to inform those who want the truth about Islam, and to equip ordinary Christians from every walk of life to wisely and scripturally minister to Muslims all over the world.
Dr. Hammond has been a missionary to restricted access areas for over 28 years, pioneering missionary outreaches into the war zones of Mozambique, Angola and Sudan. During the war in Sudan he flew far behind enemy lines to the beleaguered Nuba Mountains with tons of Bibles, school books, agricultural tools and seed and other relief aid. Peter has walked throughout the war-devastated Nuba Mountains—an island of Christianity in a sea of Islam—showing the Jesus film in Arabic, proclaiming the Gospel, and training pastors. Peter Hammond can be reached by Email at: or by writing to:
Frontline Fellowship
P.O. Box 74, Newlands
7725 Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: (+27-21) 689-4480
Fax: (+27-21) 689-5884
i From the Hadiths, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 25. Actual text, translated into English by Sahih Bukhari: ―Allah‘s Apostle was asked, ‗What is the best deed?‘ He replied, ‗To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad).‘ The questioner then asked, ‗What is the next (in goodness)?‘ He replied, ‗To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah‘s Cause.‘‖