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Moord op christenen door Talibanmoslims: van deur tot deur!

De gruwelijke werkelijkheid door Joe Biden tot dieptepunt gebracht en moslims  grijpen hun kans.

Shalom, bid voor onze medegelovigen daar en verkondig het evangelie, zoals Yeshua dat deed!

Ben Kok (joods-chr pastor)

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And below find the story cut and pasted,


David Kupelian, managing editor, WND News Center


Taliban going door-to-door executing Christians

Terrorists have ‘a hit list’ of those ‘they are targeting to pursue and kill’

By Bob Unruh

Copyright 2021 WND News Center

A Christian ministry that has worked for years in Afghanistan has confirmed that the Taliban, in power because of Joe Biden’s abrupt withdrawal of American troops without a plan to evacuate endangered citizens ahead of the power change, is going door to door in a hunt for Christians to be executed.

The Frontier Alliance International ministry revealed in a statement that the atrocities are confirmed by first-hand ground reports.

“What we are witnessing right now is the decimation of the country and people of Afghanistan. We are watching 20 years of work and the strengthening of a nation being destroyed in a single day,” the organization posted online.

“The Taliban has a hit list of known Christians they are targeting to pursue and kill. The U.S. Embassy is defunct and there is no longer a safe place for believers to take refuge. All borders to neighboring countries are closed and all flights to and from have been halted, with the exception of private planes. People are fleeing into the mountains looking for asylum. They are fully reliant on God, who is the only One who can and will protect them.”

The statement continued, “The Taliban are going door-to-door taking women and children. The people must mark their house with an ‘X’ if they have a girl over 12 years old, so that the Taliban can take them. If they find a young girl and the house was not marked they will execute the entire family. If a married woman 25 years or older has been found, the Taliban promptly kill her husband, do whatever they want to her, and then sell her as a sex slave,” the ministry said.

“Husbands and fathers have given their wives and daughters guns and told them that when the Taliban come, they can choose to kill them or kill themselves—it is their choice.”

The report explained Global Catalytic Ministries, a longtime FAI partner, is advocating for those people, men and women, “who “have been serving as leaders as the Afghanistan church grows at a historic rate (second only to Iran right now).”

“Although people are heading for the hills, many want to stay in the country and continue to advance the Gospel; however, we will relocate those who need to be secured. GCM’s stance has always been and will be to do whatever is necessary to move the Gospel forward. Our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan continue to inspire us with their boldness and resolve in their darkest hour,” the statement said.

A video testimony from a church leader, pixelated to conceal the person’s identity:

A report on the issue from Israel365 News noted reports that Taliban terrorists “are going through people’s cell phones, searching for Bible apps that would indicate they are Christian.”

The report said, “The Christian nonprofit organization SAT-7 North America reported that Taliban are pulling people off public transport and killing them on the spot if they’re Christians or considered ethnically ‘unpure.'”

In America, prominent Christian leader Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship added his concerns;

“With the rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops, the Taliban has moved in far more quickly than our government expected, and now so many Afghan lives are at risk,” he wrote. “There is no question this whole withdrawal has been grossly mishandled, and for a rare moment in time people on both sides of the political aisle are in agreement on this.”

Further, radio host Glenn Beck set up a Nazarene Fund to raise money – more than $20 million so far – to rescue thousands, mostly women and children, from the stricken country.

The U.S. Department of State has estimated that there are up to 8,000 Christians in the country, although those numbers are not reliable since the nation officially does not recognize anyone as being Christian.

USA Today purported to “debunk” the claims of executions, by citing a 1990s situation in which dozens of Christians were abducted but only two were executed, an outcome that resulted in the so-called “fact-checker” Snopes labeling the execution claims false.

Based on that decades-old outcome, USA Today “judged the current reports of Christian persecution by the Taliban to be false…” Israel365 News reported.

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2 Responses to Moord op christenen door Talibanmoslims: van deur tot deur!

  1. Op 28 augustus 2021 @ 00:34 schreef Ernest Stern


    Afghaanse vaders geven hun dochters en vrouwen geweren om bij bezoek op Talibanstrijders te schieten of op zichzelf.

    • Dag Ernest, zegt genoeg over de islam, help mee om dit leugensysteem met een afgod en een valse profeet verder te ontmaskeren, door onze site in je omgeving bekend te maken.
      Shabbath shalom

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